Sunday 11 July 2010

The Other Specialist

There has been a gap in communications - partly because things have been going well enough for me not to have much to say.Since January I have more or less had to learn to walk again, and I now have reached the stage that I go out without my sticks - if the walk is not too long. I need them on rough ground, though, which makes working on the allotment slow, but I am getting fed up with them, so I shall probably keep them for special occasions.

I went to see the other specialist yesterday - the one that deals with arteries. He put me through the scanning machine and the x-ray machine and then said that it had all worked, and that I could go away until December. Apparently I have to have a check-up every 6 months.

I am now swimming 900 metres a day - next week it will go up to 1000, and that will be far enough. I do not expect to lose any weight doing it, but I hope it will be redistributed a bit. It is good fun - I go to Tonbridge School Swimming Pool and if I choose the right time I get a lane to myself. Cost - £2.50 a visit.

The next trip is to Scotland - or at least to the Borders. I have volunteered to take the grandchildren there!! At least I shall not be able to run after them.

About all for now, although I shall probably think of things I wanted to say as soon as I sign off.