Saturday 29 May 2010

The Specialist.....

is pleased, and does not want to see me again until December. The flip side of this is that what I have then will be all that I will get! So be it.

I have also started swimming again - Tonbridge School has opened its swimming pool and other facilities to the public - on payment of quite a decent sum, actually, but I think it will be worth it.

I have also started digging again so we may get a few beans this year, but I am putting most of what I have down to soft fruit, so we shall probably have to get a new freezer if it all works out.

And if that sounds hopeful, you should see my gait, which needs sorting out. That is what the physio is all about, but I have had to learn to walk again, and I am just past the toddler stage. I always thought that there was something about a bottle....

About all for now. All visitors and messages welcome.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Further progress!!

It's a month since I last posted. Progress is monthly, rather than daily, but it is still there. I am now walking around the house without sticks, and have progressed to the grounds. There is still the problem of risking my knee giving up whilst walking down stairs or down a slope, but that is a symptom of what I have actually done, which is damage my right femoral nerve. When that happens I fall over which creates consternation among all around, but I have practised falling over and rolling, rather than crashing to the ground. The nerve is slowly reconstituting itself, but I guess it will take many months to recover fully. Still that is the stimulus I need to keep on doing the exercises 3 times a day.

Jonathan Nicholson, from Cayman, visited the other day, which was very nice, and Tim and Lorna from South Africa did likewise yesterday. It is always nice to have visitors from abroad, as I am not keen on the long walk to the aircraft that always seems to be my lot. And they never give me the electric trolley - it is always the wheel chair with a frail young lady to try and push me along.

About all for now - we see the specialist next week, when I may have some more things to say.