Saturday 6 October 2018


Well,, the operation on the hip scenario Is now almost out of my control. The latest estimated date is either the 24 or the 31 October, but that is all dependent on the hole in my ankle, caused by the scar of an old operation breaking down. I guess it is all part of anno domini. However, nil desperandum and noli cedere, and all that.

Went down to Dorset to see the grandchildren – and No. 1 son and his lovely wife – a couple of weeks ago. Very pleasant stay at some holiday cottages that we use quite a bit. Has a decent swimming pool, too, of which the grandchildren make full use.

Back into playing bridge again. Mondays with 3 other chaps, and Wednesdays at the club in Tonbridge. Also discovered the local church. Reminds me of St Albans in Cayman that I used to go to. That was in a house with a tin roof, and was pretty high church – although not as high as the one in Jersey which was full-on Anglo-catholic. The local church also has a tin roof, but it is fairly low church – if it can be classified at all. Most of the services are barely recognisable as C of E services at all. Fortunately there is no hand-waving. It is a pity that I cannot easily get to the church  at Bidborough, but it is right on top of a steep hill, and even the scooter would not make it!

Interesting item in the paper today – Peggy Sue has died. Yes! – that Peggy Sue. Apparently the Crickets were all at school together, and she was at the same school. She played the sax so did not fit into the group, but was a great friend to them all, and marries the Crickets’ drummer. That prompted them to write “Peggy Sue Got Married”.

Family law in the UK is really changing – we are out to have the equivlent of the Muslim Talaq divorce procedure, except you don’t have to turn round three times first. The proposal is the enable a party to a marriage to sue for divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown of marriage, and the spouse cannot defend on the grounds that he disagrees. The facility exists at present to start an court action on line, It is also proposed to enable all cohabitants to enter into a civil partnership instead of getting married, although the effect is precisely the same. That also can be started on-line. And such relationships can also be entered into by people who have decided that they will say that they have changed sex. Throw into the pot the existing law that provides that illegitimate children now have exactly the same status as legitimate off-spring, and the long-standing provision that enables a testator’s grandchildren to inherit on the death of the testator if the son of the testator has pre-deceased him, and you may well find that a rich man’s estate being inherited, at least in part, by some rather unexpected people! Not to mention the rights of a spouse to share in the possessions of the other spouse on break-up of marriage or other partnership arrangement.

Molving on…..

Venison for dinner? Oh deer!
I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.


She will not buy a new car until she has worn her old one out and it is still in new condition - after all it is only 84 years old  (the car that is, oh - the  lady.....she’s101...) 
This lady’s car is a 1930 Packard. 
Take notice that in the video she lays a cloth on the running board to step onto when she gets in and out of the car.
Then after she is settled into the car, she leans way down to the running-board to get the cloth...
Click on the link below to view this beautiful car and listen to this seemingly ageless lady.


Some Light Dublin Traffic Humour
A car full of Irish nuns are sitting at a traffic light in downtown Dublin when a bunch of rowdy drunks pull up alongside of them.

"Hey, show us yer teets, ya bloody penguins." shouts one of the drunks.

Quite shocked, Mother Superior turns to Sister Mary Immaculata and says, "I don't think they know who we are; show them your cross."

Sister Mary Immaculata rolls down her window and shouts, "Piss off, ya fookin' little wankers, before I come over there and rip yer balls off."  She then rolls up her window, looks back at Mother Superior quite innocently, and asks,

 "Did that sound cross enough?"


An answer I can understand.....

An American tourist asks an Irishman: "Why do Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?"

To which the Irishman replies: "If they fell forwards, they'd still be in the bloody boat."


For some old British photos of period, some of which are within living memory go to


How they did stunts before digital editing.

That’s all, folks.

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