Saturday, 13 January 2018

The first of 2018.

It was rather sobering writing that heading. It does not seem that long ago that we were regarding 1984 as far, far in the future, and now look where we are!

It's a bit soon after the last post, and I sus[ect that that did not properly publish. You shpuld have seen one headed "Merry Christmas, but it seems not to be in the list. Sorry about that! if it is the case. but life has changed a bit. I think I eventually got to writing just before Christmas. Lots of cards – thank you to those who sent – and a splendid Christmas letter from Cayman, full of news about old friends, and a reminder that we should play 2s, 8s and Jacks with the grandchildren, who have a facility for beating everyone else at the game, much to their fathers’ disgust. Lots of home entertaining over Christmas. Tradition prevailed and we had a turkey and Christmas Pud, rather than the latest fashion in goose, , which can be very fat if not cooked properly. There are other risks – I remember many years ago when we all went to my grandfather’s house for Christmas, with a goose to eat. Unfortunately it had been fed on fish meal, and tasted disgusting. My Grandfather got up from the table after one mouthful, and went to his room and sulked with a crate of Guinness for the rest of the day. Knowing my grandmother, I guess he paid for it in spades after we had all left!

Boxing day was more of the same, but with 12 to lunch, and then we recovered until Christmas Eve, when we went to our usual party, given by a couple in Bidborough that we have known for a long time. We left there at 2.30 on New Year’s Day,  and I woke late in the morning feeling terrible. Not what you were thinking, however, but a recurrence of the cellulitis to which I am accustomed from time to time, always at an inconvenient time. Is there a convenient time to suffer from an affliction that requires daily intravenous antibiotics over a period of 10 days, with an extra handful of pills to take, all at different intervals? All a bloody nuisance, but it has allowed me to gather some thoughts together, while I sit with my leg elevated, as required.

However, the result  has also been that I have not got out and about as much as my diary says I should have, with a weekend trip in a decent hotel cancelled. I think the  biggest annoyance is that my leg swells up on these occasions, and gets very heavy, so I cannot safely drive. The problem is the leg is too heavy to transfer my foot from the accelerator to the break, which is a distinct disadvantage to a driver who is faced with a need for an emergency stop. So my lovely wife has to drive me everywhere.

I always said that if Trump was elected we would have some entertainment, and he is certainly providing that. I am not sure how long it will take before the American people will wake up to the fact that he is reducing a very respectable nation to which the rest of the world looked up with respect to a complete laughing stock.

Since the last post there has not been a lot of incoming traffic, and what there has been cannot be uploaded as they have been movie clips. However, when I put this on the website, there seems to be a possibility that I can upload movies, so I will try as I paste this on to the dashboard. However, I have tried anf failed. Bother All I got was a jpeg of the opening frams. I shall experiment after I publish this.

One or two quite good ones remain in my store:-

Do you ever wake up, kiss the person sleeping beside you, and feel glad that you are alive?

I just did and apparently will not be allowed on this airline again…..


The oldest computer
can be traced back to Adam and Eve.

It was an Apple

But with extremely limited memory

Just 1 byte.

Then everything crashed.


Try out this.....
I could not believe this! It is from an orthopaedic surgeon. It will confuse your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but, you can't. It is pre-programmed in your brain!

Firstly, while sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand Your foot will change direction.
I told you so! There's nothing you can do about it! You know how funny it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.


An elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night.

The man replies, “I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body. as well as smoking and staying out late.”

The officer then asks, “Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?”

The man replies, “That would be my wife."


The Southern Gentleman

A southern gentleman went to Las Vegas . Sitting in a cocktail
lounge, and sipping on some bourbon, he beckoned the waitress and said
quietly, "Miss, y'all sure are a luvly, luvly lady. Can ah persuade
y'all to give me a piece of aass?"

"Wow, that's the most direct proposition I've ever had!" gasped the girl.

Then she looked around the room, smiled and said, "Sure, why not?

You're an attractive guy too, and it's pretty slow here right now, so
why don't we just slip away up to your room?"

When they returned half an hour later, the man sat down at the same
table and the waitress smiled at him and asked, "Will there be
anything else?"

"Why yes, " replied the southern gentleman. "Ah sure 'preciate what
y'all just did for me. It was real sweet and right neighbourly of
y'all.But where ah come from in Alabama, we lahk our bourbon real
cold, so ah still need a piece of aass for mah drink."

And that's about all, folks. HNY and all that.
