Tuesday, 3 May 2016

May be...

April was a very quiet month. This was partly due to two weekends being taken up with visits from the Dulwich contingent, who, having bought a new house, now have the roof off. The idea was to check the integrity of the tiles and rafters, but they have ended up having steel reinforcements to support the walls. The place is shrouded in scaffolding and with no roof, it is not the most comfortable place to sleep, so they have been visiting.

Last weekend, needing to entertain the little darlings, I was persuaded to take them to Eastbourne for  visit to the pier, and then on to Beachy Head. But it was Bank Holiday weekend, and the sun was shining with all its might, as Lewis Carroll had it. Eastbourne had no parking at all – the cars were parked solid three roads in from the coast, and half way up the Beachy Head Road. I have never seen so many on Beachy Head either, and there were even more at Birling Gap, looking at the cottages that are about to fall into the sea. So on to Brighton, where, strangely there were not so many and we parked within walking distance of the pier, and I funded a visit to the Penny Arcade. All great fun, and we managed to bring two happy girls home.

Also managed lots of swimming last month – I do not feel much better for it, but it is a very pleasant way to pass an hour or so. But my cossie is getting tight again, and I must revert to a period of austerity in May. I don’t expect that I shall feel much better for that, either, but it is a salve to my conscience. A bit annoying, though as I am due to go on several jollies in May.

Not a very newsworthy blog. Here are one or two of the offerings that have come my way this month – some old, some new, some borrowed, but nothing blue. On this occasion.


1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress.
-- John Adams

2. If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
-- Mark Twain

3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
-- Mark Twain

4. I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
--Winston Churchill

5. A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw

6. A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
-- G. Gordon Liddy

7. Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
--James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

8. Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
-- Douglas Case, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University .

9. Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
-- P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

10. Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavours to live at the expense of everybody else.
-- Frederic  Bastiat ,
French economist(1801-1850)

11. Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
--Ronald Reagan (1986)

12. I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
-- Will Rogers

13. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
-- P. J. O'Rourke

14. In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other.
--Voltaire (1764)

15. Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!
-- Pericles (430 B.C.)

16. No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
-- Mark Twain (1866)

17. Talk is cheap, except when Congress does it.
-- Anonymous

18. The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
-- Ronald Reagan

19. The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
--  Winston Churchill

20. The only difference between a  tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
--  Mark Twain

21. The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
-- Herbert Spencer,
English Philosopher (1820-1903)

22. There is no distinctly Native American criminal class, save Congress.
-- Mark Twain

23. What this country needs are more unemployed politicians
--Edward Langley,
Artist (1928-1995)

24. A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

25. We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
-- Aesop


Tim and Janice met on a singles cruise and Tim fell head over heels for her.

When they discovered they lived in neighbouring cities only a few miles apart Tim was ecstatic. He immediately started asking her out when they got home.

Within a couple of weeks, Tim had taken Janice to dance clubs, restaurants, concerts, movies and museums. Tim became convinced that Janice was indeed his soul mate and true love. Every date seemed better than the last.

On the one-month anniversary of their first dinner on the cruise ship, Tim took Janice to a fine restaurant. While having cocktails and waiting for their salad, Tim said, "I guess you can tell I'm very much in love with you. I'd like a little serious talk before our relationship continues to the next stage."

"So, before I get a box out of my jacket and ask you a life-changing question, it's only fair to warn you, I'm a total golf nut. I play golf, I read about golf, I watch golf on TV. In short, I eat, sleep, and breathe golf. If that's going to be a problem for us, you'd better say so now!"

Janice took a deep breath and responded, "Tim, that certainly won't be a problem. I love you as you are and I love golf too; but, since we're being totally honest with each other, you need to know that for the last five years I've been a hooker."

"Oh wow! I see," Tim replied. He looked down at the table, was quiet for a moment. Deep in serious thought he added, "You know, it's probably because you're not keeping your wrists straight when you hit the ball."


A couple who work at the circus go to an adoption agency, but social workers there raise doubts about their suitability.

The couple produces photos of their 50 foot motor home, which is equipped with a beautiful nursery, but the social workers then are doubtful about the education that the child would get.

"We've arranged for a full-time tutor who will teach the child all the usual subjects along with French, Mandarin and computer skills."

Then there are doubts about raising a child in a circus environment.

"Our nanny is an expert in paediatric welfare and diet."

The social workers are finally satisfied. They ask, "What age child are you hoping to adopt?"

"It doesn't really matter, as long as he fits in the cannon."



 A lexophile of course!  - Strangely, my grandchildren had seen 90% of them!

•        How does Moses make tea?   Hebrews it.

•        Venison for dinner again?   Oh deer!

•        A cartoonist was found dead in his home.  Details are sketchy.

•        I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.

•        Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes.

•        England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.

•        I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.

•        They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a Typo.

•        I changed my iPod's name to Titanic. It's syncing now.

•        Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.

•        I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time.

•        I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.

•        This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore.

•        When chemists die, they barium.

•        I'm reading a book about anti-gravity.  I just can't put it down.

•        I did a theatrical performance about puns.  It was a play on words.

•        Why were the Indians here first?  They had reservations.

•        I didn't like my beard at first.  Then it grew on me.

•        Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils?

•        When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.

•        Broken pencils are pointless.

•        What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?  A thesaurus.

•       I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx.

•       All the toilets in New York's police stations have been stolen.  The police have nothing to go on.

•       I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.

•        Velcro - what a rip off!

•         Don’t worry about old age; it doesn’t last.

Only a few links this month. Copy them into the browser address line. I cannot get the blog to accept them in active form!

GENIUS! - Tour of The One World Observatory 

One of the best modern views of Manhattan that I think you can get.

However, this is one of the best views of London compared with what it was. They were taken from a hot air balloon and have recently been auctioned after being found, as the original glass slides,  in a box in a garage.